Cookie policy
1. Cookie Policy
This policy (the “Cookie Policy”) applies to information collected by this website. The Cookie Policy contains the policy and practices to be followed by Nitor Energy A/S (the “Company”) pertaining to the collecting, recording, storing, organizing, disclosing, amending and erasing (processing) of personal information relating to any identifiable person. It is written and presented with reference to the current European data protection legislation GDPR (the General Data Protection Regulation).
The personal data may be processed both if you contact the Company by e-mail or phone, and/or visit and read the Company’s website. The Cookie Policy describes your rights in relation to the Company’s collection, processing and retention of your personal data.
2. Use of cookies
The Company collects personal data from physical individuals you through cookies when visiting the Company’s website.
The Company collects information about online behavior, such as your IP-address, information about the chosen operating system on your computer, your mobile device, utilized internet browser and online activities on the website, provided you have accepted the website’s use of cookies. The information is used to improve the Company’s website and its statistical performance.
The Company asks of acceptance of use of these cookies when entering the website for the first time, and cookies will require your explicit consent. You may choose to decline use of cookies which will result in only functional cookies being employed. That will however impair the overall user experience.
Users of the Company’s website will not have any information registered that can lead to identifying them directly.
Already installed cookies can be removed by clearing the browsing data on your employed browser.
3. Version
2.2.2023 – Policy created – Cathrine Benedikt Klange
11.4.2023 – Policy revised – Cathrine Benedikt Klange